SLA - 99.9% 99.99%
Distributed Computation
Abstract clusters, physical/virtual machines, processors, cores…
- Finite set of processes
- the set of processes in the system is denoted by Π, where N = |Π|
- each process is modeled as a state machine
- Unique identities
- Message passing (p2p links)
Local steps
- Send event: put a message in outbufi[j], for every neighbor pj
- Receive event: get messages m from inbufi[*]
- Computation event: Perform local computation → Change state
State S'=f(S,msg)
Message passing
Inbuf Outbuf:输入输出缓冲区
Execution and Configuration
一个configuration是一个vector of individual process states(S1,S2,…)
每一步产生一个新的conf:C0, s1, C1, s2, C2….
JobHandler Specification
jobhandler → jh
- Request: < jh, Submit | job >: Requests a job to be processed.
- Indication: < jh, Confirm | job >: Confirms that the given job has been (or will be) processed ⇒ callback function
- Properties:
- JH1. Guaranteed response: Every submitted job is eventually confirmed 分配的job一定要返还一个确认
Algorithm: Synchronous JH
(event-driven style事件驱动算法)
upon event < jh, Submit | job > do
trigger < jh, Confirm | job >;
Synchronous 同步
Asynchronous 异步
Algorithm: Asynchronous JH
upon event < jh, Init > do
buffer := ∅;
upon event < jh, Submit | job > do
buffer := buffer ∪ {job};
trigger < jh, Confirm | job >;
upon buffer ≠ ∅ do
job := selectjob(buffer);
buffer := buffer \ {job};
Abstracting Failures
Process failures
A failure occurs when a process does not behave according to the algorithm
Failure processes:
- Crash-stop
- Process stops execution of the algorithm: crashes
- Crash-recovery
- Process might temporarily crash, but then recover its state and proceed taking steps
- Omission
- The process omits(省略) to send/receive messages it is supposed to send/receive
- Byzantime
- Unrestricted, arbitrary
- Malicious behavior allowed
Abstracting Communication
Assume:It is possible for messages to be lost,But, the probability for a message to reach its destination is nonzero
Fair-loss links(链路)
- Request: < fll, Send | q, m >: Requests to send message m to process q
- Indication: < fll, Deliver | p, m >: Delivers message m sent by process p.
- Properties:
- Fair-loss: If a correct process p infinitely often sends a message m to a correct process q, then q delivers m an infinite number of times.正确发送无限次,也会传递消息无限次
- Finite duplication: If a correct process p sends a message m a finite number of times to process q, then m cannot be delivered an infinite number of times by q.优先次发送不会无限次传递
- No creation: If some process q delivers a message m with sender p, then m was previously sent to q by process p.如果q传递了p发送的m,那么m一定是先由p发送的
Stubborn Links
- Properties
- Stubborn delivery:如果正确的进程p向正确的进程q发送消息m,那么q将传递m无限次。该属性确保了每条消息被接收方传递无数次(这是由发送方发送无数次而导致的)。
- No creation
fair-loss links可以作为底层构建stubborn links,每过delta时间就重发,无限次发会无限次传递
Perfect Links
- Request: < pl, Send | q, m >: Requests to send message m to process q.
- Indication: < pl, Deliver | p, m >: Delivers message m sent by process p
- Properties
- PL1. Reliable delivery: If a correct process p sends a message m to a correct process q,then q eventually delivers m.(双边正确一定传递)
- PL2. No duplication: No message is delivered by a process more than once.(只会传递一次)
- PL3. No creation: If some process q delivers a message m with sender p, then m was previously sent to q by process p.
算法:Eliminate Duplicates消除重复
Timing Assumption
- communication delay
- process speeds
- clock drift
Sync message passing
Eventually sync model
Formally, propagation delay(delta delay) and process speed( delta proc ) are bounded after some unknown time(时不时会抖动,但抖动会消失)
Abstracting time
Failure detector
- Indication: < P, Crash | p >: Detects that process p has crashed(自动发起)
- Properties
- Completeness
- Acc
- Perfect:
- Strong Completeness:出错一定会被怀疑
- Strong ACC:没有出错不会被怀疑
- Eventually P(菱形P)
- Strong Completeness
- Eventual Strong ACC:最终没有正确进程被怀疑
算法:Exclude on Timeout
Eventually perfect failure detector
- Indication: < ◇P, Suspect | p >: Notifies that process p is suspected to have crashed.
- Indication: < ◇P, Restore | p >: Notifies that process p is not suspected anymore
Leader election
- Indication: < le, Leader | p >: indicates that process p is elected as leader
- Eventual detection:除非不存在正确的进程,否则一些正确的进程最终被选举为领导者。
- ACC:只有领导者崩溃的情况下才能够选举新的领导者,不会有两个leader
算法:Monarchical(君主制) Leader Election
利用了进程间的先验排序(a-priori ranking)。一个进程被选择成为领导者的前提是所有具有更高秩的进程都已经崩溃。
Eventual leader detector
- Indication: < Ω, Trust | p >: Indicates that process p is trusted to be leader.
- 属性
- ELD1. Eventual accuracy: 在某个时间点后,每个正确进程都会信任一些正确进程。
- ELD2. Eventual agreement: 在某个时间点后,不存在两个正确进程信任不同的正确进程。
- 算法:每次都选择未被怀疑的、rank 最大的进程作为当前的领导者。
- Author:faii
- URL:https://www.faii.top/article/a9a30a03-b611-41c0-9063-b217ba85b9b0
- Copyright:All articles in this blog, except for special statements, adopt BY-NC-SA agreement. Please indicate the source!